Archive or Delete a Project

Feel like your portfolio is bogged down with old projects? Want to do some spring cleaning? Easily archive your projects for accessing later on. Delete a project to permanently remove it from your portfolio. 

Archive a Project

*Note: If you have the Free version of WriterDuet, archived projects still count towards your three-project limit. If you have three or more projects in your Portfolio and would like to create a new one, you will either need to delete projects to free up space or upgrade to a paid subscription.

  1. Open your portfolio
    1. Select File > Open Project OR press Cmd/Ctrl + O
  2. Select the project you would like to archive
  3. Select Move to Archive or right-click to select Archive
    1. The number of projects in your Archive folder will be displayed in red next to Open Archive.

Move a Project out of the Archive

  1. Open your portfolio
    1. Select File > Open Project OR press Cmd/Ctlr + O
  2. Select Open Archive
  3. Select the project you would like to move back to the Portfolio
  4. Select Move to Portfolio or right-click to select Move to Portfolio

Delete a Project

  1. While viewing the project, select File > Remove Project
    1. This action is permanent. After deleting, the content cannot be recovered. 
  2. If you are sure, select Remove 
    1. The project will still be visible in the window as a Read-Only document. If you still need it, please copy-and-paste the content to a new project, since you will not be able to access this document again. 


  1. Open your portfolio
    1. Select File > Open Project OR press Cmd/Ctrl + O
  2. Select the project you would like to delete
  3. Right-click to select Delete
    1. This action is permanent. After deleting, the content cannot be recovered. 
  4. You will be asked if you would like to permanently delete [project name]
  5. If you are sure, select Delete
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